"Reducing Costs on Outsourced Warranty Claims Processing"



















Before anything begins, we start with a conference call to determine some base line points. We want to know the details of where you are in your claims processing, your weak points and your strengths. From here we will take it to the next level.

Once we agree on a monthly fee structure for us taking over all warranty processing (outsourced) we will send you a "Getting Started Guide" for configuring a computer workstation located at your facility. This workstation needs to have access to your warranty claims connection so we can login remotely. We become your virtual employee for one third the cost of a full time person with all those benefits and taxes gone.

Also, included in the Getting Started Guide is scanning instructions on how to scan and upload your paperwork to our secure FTP site. We will provide you with your own private FTP folder on our site for your incoming and outgoing documents. This enables you to keep all your paperwork on premise and get them to us without the expense of postage. This is just another service included with your outsourced partner.

Our full warranty claims processing service is the absolute best answer for all sizes of automotive dealerships. With a flexible expense structure (no industry or market worries) you will never pay too much or require additional help. The service allows your fixed operations the ability to move beyond the distractions of warranty administration and focus on real service objectives, that build business.

Why waste another second, or dollar on warranty processing? Partner with Automotive Warranty Outsourcing Solutions and obtain our always reliable service, for less than in-house administration.

Contact us today for more information!



"Reducing Costs on Outsourced Warranty Claims Processing"

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